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Lord, I thank you in Jesus name that

I am dwelling in the shelter of the Most High.

I am resting in the shadow of the Almighty.

Lord, You are my refuge and my fortress,

You alone are my God, in whom I trust.

Lord, You are saving me from the fowler’s snare

And from the deadly pestilence.

Lord, You are covering me

With Your feathers and

Under Your wings I find my refuge.

Your faithfulness is my shield and rampart.

I do not fear the terror of night,

Nor the arrow that flies by day,

Nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,

Nor the plague that destroys at midday.

A thousand may fall at my side

Ten thousand at my right hand,

But it will not come near me.

I will only observe with my eyes

And I will see the punishment of the wicked.

Lord, You are my refuge,

Most High, you are my dwelling place,

So, no harm will overtake me,

No disaster will come near my tent.

Lord, I thank You that you are

Commanding your angels concerning me.

They are lifting me up in their hands,

So that I won’t strike my foot against a stone.

I am treading on the lion and the cobra;

I am trampling the great lion and the serpent.

Because I love You, Lord,

You are rescuing me;

Because I acknowledge Your name,

You protect me.

I call on You, Lord, and You answer me.

You are with me in trouble,

You deliver me and honor me.

You are satisfying me with long life

You are showing me my salvation.

In Jesus name I pray

Rev. Dr. N. Patrick Marica contributes incisive Christian commentary on this blog on a regular basis. He is the Vice-Chancellor of Amherst Theological Seminary, and he has a D. Min. from Amherst Theological Seminary. He has his MA from Liberty University in Marriage and Family Therapy. He is the author of the book: "The Walk Applied: Living the New Creation Life as a Citizen of God's Kingdom in a Secular World". He has also written "The Fasting and Prayer Handbook". He has been married to Kathy since 1985. They have 2 adult daughters and an adult son.

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